

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Joining Forces

Hey all! Sorry for not posting much. My sexy man (aka Dirty Blog) and I have decided to join up onto his blog together, so I won't be posting much on here. We are going to be doing some blogs separately and some together on his site per some suggestions of us providing both points of view on our adventures.

He's also much better at managing the blog stuff and how to do certain things as I'm not incredibly skilled at all this just yet.

Please continue to follow me on his blog and I will continue to follow you!

Happy blogging, and may the libido be with you ;)

<3 Dirty Blog's Girl


  1. I've been missing in action so I'm behind. I shall check you out at the other blog...

  2. Wattdyou want, dear?
    or the Abyss o'Misery??
    It looks as if you're
    headed to Hellfire -IF-
    you pull outta this now.
    Lemme wanna tella youse how:

    Let this be your catalyst to Seventh-Heaven:

    'The more you shall honor Me,
    the more I shall bless you'
    -the Infant Jesus of Prague
    (<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

    Love him or leave him...
    better lissen to the Don:
    if you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
    which most whorizontalites do,
    you cannot deny Hellfire
    which YOU send YOURSELF to.

    Yes, earthling, I was an NDE:
    the sights were beyond extreme.
    Choose Jesus.
    You'll be most happy you did.
    God bless your indelible soul.

    1. Google: 'Fr John Corapi pt 3 Hell'

      Yes, earthlings, a Hell exists.
      Im an NDE.
      God bless your indelible soul.

      ...whether you as a sinfull mortal
      wanna believe in Hell or not,
      dont make a whole lotta difference:
      YOU - SHALL - CROAK, earthling;
      1-outta-1 bites-the-dust.

      Jesus believes in Hell...
      He doesnt send U.S. though.
      WE DO.
      And I aint going to that
      dagnasty Hellwhole for eternity.

      Make Your Choice -SAW

  3. Wattdyou want, dear?
    or the Abyss o'Misery??
    It looks as if you're
    headed to Hellfire -IF-
    you pull outta this now.
    Lemme wanna tella youse how:

    Let this be your catalyst to Seventh-Heaven:

    'The more you shall honor Me,
    the more I shall bless you'
    -the Infant Jesus of Prague
    (<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

    Love him or leave him...
    better lissen to the Don:
    if you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
    which most whorizontalites do,
    you cannot deny Hellfire
    which YOU send YOURSELF to.

    Yes, earthling, I was an NDE:
    the sights were beyond extreme.
    Choose Jesus.
    You'll be most happy you did.
    God bless your indelible soul.
